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About CoreGiving

Many children throughout our communities may not know where their next meal will come from, and are likely to suffer from disadvantages in school and personal relationships, along with physical and cognitive development due to hunger and day-to-day instability. To assist in the fight against childhood hunger CoreGiving created the “Dollars Hours Meals” program which aims to fight hunger one DOLLAR, one HOUR and one MEAL at a time.
We donate 100% of funds raised from  appeals and events to support our local communities.
We host an annual day of service that brings thousands of volunteers together to support food banks across the U.S.
Through our fundraising efforts and partnerships, we provide millions of healthy meals to children and families.

Who We Are

CoreGiving is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to eliminating child hunger by providing nourishing meals to children and families through partnerships with food banks and other hunger-relief organizations across the United States. 

CoreGiving’s support from Blackstone Real Estate portfolio companies has grown to include American Campus Communities, April Housing, Beam Living, BioMed Realty, BRE Hotels & Resorts, Link Logistics, LivCor, Longview Senior Housing, Preferred Apartment Communities, Revantage, and ShopCore Properties. These corporate partners cover CoreGiving’s operating expenses so that every dollar donated by others is used to provide meals for children and families in need.
April Housing
PAC Logo
April HousingPAC Logo
CoreGiving is governed by a Board of Directors with representation from each corporate partner. It is recognized as a public charity by the Internal Revenue Service, allowing for tax-deductible contributions from donors.

How We Help

Our Programs

CoreGiving helps advance the critical work of food banks and other hunger-relief organizations through philanthropy and volunteerism.

Signature programs include our Bracket Battle fundraiser and CoreGiving Day. Additionally, our corporate partners rally widespread support for our mission through unique appeals and events that engage employees, friends and families, customers, and business partners alike.

Learn more about our programs

Our Impact

Since inception, CoreGiving has funded nearly 54 million meals for children experiencing food insecurity in the U.S. In 2023 alone, CoreGiving financially supported 76 hunger-relief organizations in 25 U.S. states.

Our goal for 2024 is to provide more than 20 million meals to food-insecure households and dedicate over 10,000 hours of hunger-relief volunteer service.
nonprofit partners
million meals
Learn more about our impact